Developer space
ProMoS - API
External data access
The JSON-REST-API ist used to access the databases
Description | Version | Download |
ProMoS DMS JSON Data Exchange Sample-code: https://github.com/MST-Systemtechnik/simple-ProMos-API-scripts | 1.8 | DMS_JSON |
ProMoS DMS JSON Data Exchange over EDL-Portal (Access on datapoint-level) | 1.2 | EDL-DMS |
In the future, access to other data (engineering / users, etc.) will also be possible via web services.
Free libraries
The following BMO libraries can be used freely.
Name | Description | Version | Date | Download | Documentation |
BEV21 | BELIMO Energy Valve (Modbus) | 1.0 | available soon |
More libraries are available (BACnet, SAIA PG5, Modbus)