For inquiries and orders please use the ProMoS inquiry form.
Normal procedure:
1. Request for quotation (or fill out order)
2. You will receive an offer or an order confirmation
3. Offer must be ordered explicitly (email, fax)
4. MST sends the hardware dongle by mail*
5. You will receive the license file by email (for new customers as soon as the invoice has been paid*)
* An activation code is delivered immediately, so that the system can already be put into operation without a dongle.

Of course, support services are also offered to the users.
Phone support
Whether the customer receives this service from Saia-Burgess Controls, or from MST Systemtechnik, depends on the license purchased:
MST Systemtechnik supports all customers of ProMoS NT and SAIA Visi.Plus
Switzerland and the world
- Email
- Phone +41 31 810 15 10
Germany, Benelux, Austria
- Email
- Phone +49 40 999 99 4210
24-hour on-call service
MST Systemtechnik offers its customers who conclude a maintenance contract even a 24-hour on-call service!
List of questions
Inaddition to the classic telephone support, there is a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ).
Forum for exchange of experience
The ProMoS NT forum has been discontinued (requirements DSGVO requirements, no user names and mail addresses to be stored).